SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions

Ecoflow* Offsite Treatment Services

Offsite treatment service for industrial effluent

As part of your business activities, you generate wastewater containing organic matter or other effluent. Veolia enables you to leverage the treatment quality of a wastewater plant without any need to invest -- a tried-and-tested concept that has been supporting industry for over 15 years.


Ecoflow brochure (EN)     Ecoflow brochure (FR)

Flexible implementation with no changes to your process or organization

Ecoflow offers continuous service provision over 52 weeks a year and works either with your own approved transport system or via an approved transport company we recommend. Controlled by an effective management system in compliance with the most stringent HSQE rules, Ecoflow helps meet compliance requirements.

When to Use

When to use Ecoflow


  • Ensure the continuity of your production 
  • Carry out detailed effluent acceptance analyses
  • Gain access to a nationwide network of receiving plants suited to the characteristics of your effluent 

Variations in effluent 

  • Treat your effluent without any investment 
  • Improve management of your site's discharges 
  • Benefit from the support of an expert capable of troubleshooting and proposing solutions tailored to your needs 

Resources protection 

  • Leverage a long-term partnership for managing your effluent 
  • Gain access to receiving plants offering an alternative to incineration
  • Recover your waste and thereby enable the receiving plant to increase its treatment performance

Treatment Options

Effluent acceptance process and treatment options

SUEZ supports you every step of the way by ensuring compliance with legislation and QHSE procedures.  

  1. Sample laboratory analysis checks to determine whether sample meets the acceptance criteria established for the ecoflow treatment plant. 
  2. Effluent accepted and ecoflow acceptance certificate issued. 
  3. Scheduling of effluent deliveries by an approved transport company.
  4. Control and interpretation by spectrophotometer.

Treatment options 

The right treatment option for your effluent will be based on your effluent. 

Physico-chemical treatment* 

  • Surface treatment baths 
  • Water containing hydrocarbons 
  • Acid or alkali baths 
  • Water containing alcohol or organic acids 
  • Retention water 

Biological treatment* 

  • Rinsing water 
  • Washing water 
  • Mixing water 
  • Pit water 
  • Leachate 

*in accordance with the requirements of the operating license

Case Studies

Case studies

Food and drink sector

  • Challenge: Reduce local charges while complying with its contractual obligations governing discharges into the network
  • Solution: Separate and then outsource treatment of the most concentrated effluent 
  • Result: 20% cost reduction 

Cosmetics sector

  • Challenge: ensure production continuity in accordance with standards during an incident involving overflowing tanks of effluent unsuitable for discharge
  • Solution: implement an effluent removal plan. Restore normal operation through immediate action by our teams
  • Result: 5,000 m3 removed in three weeks 

Chemicals sector

  • Challenge: Find an alternative to incineration for complex aqueous waste produced in quantities too small to justify an extension to the plant
  • Solution: By preventing discharges into the natural environment, the service represents an environmentally-friendly solution satisfying the requirements of the plant's operating license

Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory compliance includes

  1. Analysis of the source and chemical composition of the effluent  
  2. Regulatory analyses on a representative sample: COD, BOD5, TTS, pH, chlorides, nitrogen, phosphorus ... at the very least 
  3. The effluent profile is then determined. The profile will be recognized by a spectrophotometer according to the preliminary acceptance certificate issued. 
  4. Check on compatibility with the treatment plant. 
  5. Exclusion criteria (in accordance with the site's operating license)
    • heavy metals
    • hydrocarbons
    • any one of the 41 substances prohibited by Annex X of Directive 2000/60/EC of 23 October 2000 and any one of the 8 substances prohibited by Annex IX of the European Water Framework Directive
    • non-biodegradable effluent
    • effluent that could endanger the safety and health of operators


SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions is now part of Veolia!