SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions

Mobile Water Treatment System for Emergency Response

Quick deployment of assets and expert resources

Veolia emergency response services offer 24/7 deployment of assets and expert resources to minimize downtime. When an unplanned water event occurs, you need to get up and running again as quickly as possible. Veolia has one of the largest fleets of mobile water treatment systems to restore you to normal operation.


SUEZ offers complete industrial equipment and service solutions, supplying any water quantity and quality needed to meet customer requirements. Whether it is shifting Capex to Opex, supplying volume demands or fulfilling emergency needs, our service delivers immediately with safety being our top priority. Our range of emergency services are flexible, in order to meet your water quality and quantity needs.

We can treat any source water, including natural, industrial and municipal sources, condensate, surface impoundments, industrial wastewater streams, municipal gray water, cooling tower blowdown, brackish/seawater, wells/boreholes, ponds, lagoons, rivers, lakes, and more. Our 1,000+ engineers and field service personnel are positioned around the world supported by a network of service centers. Across all of our emergency water and wastewater treatment offerings, SUEZ leverages cutting-edge digital technologies to maximize performance and transform your operations. This remote monitoring capability is provided by SUEZ’s InSight* platform.

Where We Are

Emergency Services Applications

At SUEZ, we understand emergencies or unplanned events happen, causing your water and wastewater treatment process to come to a halt. We can help get you back up and running. We partner with you to mitigate the emergency in situations such as:

  • Emergency outages or equipment failure
  • Changes in raw water quality
  • Sudden changes in effluent specifications
  • Droughts and hurricanes, floods, freezes, and heat waves
  • Quality/quantity requirement​s are not being met
  • PFAS contamination
  • Full Evaporation ponds and surface impoundments
  • Condenser leaks, condensate polishing, demineralized augmentation, peaking plants

How It Works

How our emergency water mobile fleet works

SUEZ maintains a water and wastewater treatment mobile fleet with thousands of assets, designed to treat our customers’ emergency water and wastewater treatment needs whenever and wherever they need it.

We are able to treat sources of water such as:

  • River
  • Well
  • Process
  • Effluent/recycle
  • WWTP effluent
  • Blowdown

Treat it with any of our many technologies such as:

  • Filtration/Clarification/Ultrafiltration (UF)
  • Demineralization/Ion Exchange
  • Reverse Osmosis (RO), Nanofiltration (NF)
  • Gas transfer
  • Many others

Deliver any quantity or quality needed such as:

  • Filtered softened
  • Demineralized
  • Deoxygenated
  • Pure/Ultrapure
  • Municipal drinking water

Deliver anywhere:

  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Middle East
  • Africa

Our Fleet

Keep your operations running with our comprehensive emergency mobile fleet

At SUEZ, we can keep your operations running with influent and pre-treatment, high purity/demineralized and effluent and re-use technologies including:

  • Pre-treatment, influent water technologies
  • High-purity / demin technologies
  • Effluent / reuse technologies

Our emergency services water treatment mobile fleet includes:  

  • Mobile deionization systems
    • Mobile deionization (DI) systems delivering up to 600 gpm of deionized water from a single trailer. Low conductivity, 0.1 µS, with ultra-low silica for boiler feed water (< 5 ppb). Delivery possible within hours from the time of order, depending on location.
  • Mobile deoxygenation systems
    • Deliver up to 400 gpm of deoxygenated water for boiler feed, steam stripper bypass or repair
    • Mobile membrane trailers mobile assets such as RO, UF, and nano-filtration for emergency deployment.
  • Mobile membrane trailers
    • Mobile assets such as RO, UF, and NF for emergency deployment
  • Mobile media filters
    • Multi-media filters, to reduce solids, lower downstream loading/fouling, reduce cleaning, increase throughput, increase membrane life. It lowers overall costs. Superior silt and suspended solids reduction and lower pressure drops.
  • Mobile carbon filters
    • Mobile carbon systems deliver up to 600 gpm of carbon filtered water for RO feed, taste and odor control, chlorine removal, organics removal, hydrocarbon removal.
  • InSight* for Emergency Services
    • InSight enhances the reliability, safety, and efficiency of SUEZ services and customer operations. InSight is an asset performance management (APM) solution for our proprietary technologies.  InSight APM compiles key operating data and applies predictive analytics to ensure assets operate at the highest levels of reliability and output. Learn more about InSight here. 


How fast can I expect to receive Temporary Emergency Mobile Water Purification Systems in my Plant?
  • Different companies have different lead times in how long it takes to deliver temporary water.
  • SUEZ can mobilize and dispatch equipment to provide 400-6000 gpm of Deionized water within just 2 or 3 hours of a phone call, and have it set up and running immediately upon arrival (depending on location).  A more complex and complete system setup can take anywhere from a few days to weeks to months, depending on complexity, and the availability and quality of power, space, labor, drains, water supply, and general infrastructure support.
What business needs can be addressed by securing a mobile outsourced water purification contracts? 
  • Lack of skilled operators need temporary water purification specialized labor
  • Shortage of capital, little or no capital funds available. Substitute Rental Water systems for immediate, emergency, long or short term, from 2 days to 20 years duration.
  • New technology, new equipment to transfer operating risk to the vendor
How long can an emergency water or wastewater treatment contract be for, and what types of contracts are available?
  • Outsourced Long Term (2-20 years) Water Purification contracts for Industry, Municipalities, and the Military. 
  • Long Term (2-20 years) Build Own Operate (BOO) Outsource Water Purification contracts Industry, Municipalities, and the Military. 
  • Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT) Long Term Water Purification Contracts (2-20 years) for Industry, Municipalities, and the Military. 
How do I obtain Mobile Industrial or Municipal Pure Water and Waste Water Services?
  • You would need to provide minimal basic information about the water supply.  For pure water and wastewater treatment we would need an engineering review, together with a water analysis showing Alkalinity, pH, Chloride, Nitrate, Sulfate, iron, oxidizing agents such as chlorine, TSS or Total Suspended Solids, NTU, or Nephelometric Turbidity Units, TOC or Total Oxidizable Carbon, TDS or Total Dissolved Solids among a number of other measurements.
What products are there for Mobile Water Purification including the production of pure water, boiler feed, ultrapure water, and wastewater reuse & recycle?
  • SUEZ supplies all of the main Mobile Emergency water and wastewater purification technologies for Industrial and Municipal pure water, including, but not limited to:   Resin Deionization, Reverse Osmosis, Ultrafiltration, Ultraviolet Light treatment, Disinfection, Oxidation-Reduction, Sand and Media Filtration, Carbon Adsorption, Deoxygenation, Selective PFAS removal media, Low Sodium Mixed Bed, Ozonation, Ozone Treatment, Continuous Deionization, Electro-deionization, Electrodialysis, Electrodialysis Reversal, Coagulation, Clarification, Chemical Treatment; Zero Liquid discharge, Evaporation, Crystallization Systems, and many others;  from 1 gallon per minute (gpm) up to and beyond 5000 gallons per minute (gpm) in flow rate, anywhere in the world,


Case Studies


SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions is now part of Veolia!