SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions

Brewery & Winery Industry Solutions

Optimize your brewery & winery operations

At Veolia, our industry experts partner closely with breweries and wineries, drawing on leading technology and industry knowledge to target specific challenges, including product quality, cleaning regulations, and water and energy conservation.

Download the Brewing Industry Solutions Brochure

Download the Wine Processing Brochure


Water and process solutions for the brewing industry

The global brewing market is continuing to expand, particularly in growth markets such as China and Brazil. In conjunction with this growth, there is an increasing focus on also creating a better and more sustainable world. Brewing companies are setting targets around reducing energy and water consumption as well as decreasing their overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The brewing process-including the actual brewing, cleaning of vessels and producing the power needed to run a brewery-is both energy and water intensive. Breweries are making significant strides in reducing the energy and water needed; in the early days of the industry, producing one hectoliter of beer required using five times as much water. Today, many major brewers have set aggressive goals of reducing the water needed in the brewing process-potentially approaching and breaching 2 hl/hl.

With a global team of experiences professionals, SUEZ is uniquely positioned to deliver the solutions needed by brewers to create a more sustainable brewery, design more efficient ways to produce power, install water solutions to improve efficiency and water recycling and reuse, and provide the infrastructure necessary to use available resources more effectively.

Get to know more about SUEZ’s solutions and how we can help breweries reduce their overall cost of operation while allowing increased production in a world of shrinking resources by contacting us today.

Wine Processing

Water and process solutions for the wine processing industry

The appreciation of fine wines traditionally brings people together. Therefore, any technology applied to winemaking must delicately enhance the process while preserving its purpose.

We, at SUEZ, understand that winemaking is a combination of art and science. We have learned through years of experienceworking with vintners around the world-ways in which not only our filtration technologies but also our process applications can contribute to the art of winemaking.

We have seen also the realities of a marketplace in flux. The demand is for quicker production of very high-quality wine products with the traditional bouquet and flavor, along with greater clarity and increased long-term stability. As filtration in various forms has a long history in winemaking, wine process engineers are often all familiar with the dynamics of filtration.

Today, SUEZ also presents the advantages of cross flow filtration as well as electrodialysis as a winemaking tool. As one of the leaders in cross flow filtration and electrodialysis, SUEZ works with the vintner in finding the most productive system to protect and enhance the quality of fine wines. In addition, SUEZ has multiple offerings to support any water and wastewater applications that a vintner may have.

Get to know more about SUEZ’s solutions and how we can help wineries by contacting us today.


Boiler Water Treatment

Prolong the life of your physical assets and maximize process productivity by optimizing…

Monitoring Systems

Physical asset and TOC monitoring to optimize chemical consumption and meet water quality…

Products & Services

Case Studies

India brewery selects SUEZ ZeeWeed*

India brewery selects ZeeWeed* for water treatment & T-MBR for recycling effluent

A brewery in western India was facing a dual challenge: to upgrade its existing water treatment plant (WTP) and to recycle the effluent waste from its existing wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) 250 m3 /day of wastewater is supplied for treatment, but that water has biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), & total dissolved solids (TDS) that are quite high for a reuse application.

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SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions is now part of Veolia!