SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions

Cooling Tower Water Treatment

Corrosion, deposition, fouling, and biological growth can derail your operations. Veolia’s combination of cooling tower treatment chemicals, software, monitoring and industry expertise can help prevent these issues or aid in the recovery from a failure event.

Cooling Tower Water Treatment

Corrosion, deposition, fouling, and biological growth can derail your operations. Veolia’s combination of cooling tower treatment chemicals, software, monitoring and industry expertise can help prevent these issues or aid in the recovery from a failure event.

Cooling Tower Water Treatment Solutions

Veolia offers the most advanced cooling water treatment solutions on the market, designed specifically to enhance and maximize your production output and heat transfer efficiency. Our well-trained, seasoned engineering and technical service representatives are devoted to helping identify the best solution for your operational issues.

Industrial facilities look to Veolia to help them achieve and maximize production goals by using cooling tower water treatment to maintain clean heat transfer surfaces that enable maximum process heat removal and product throughput. Commercial and Institutional facilities utilize Veolia's cooling tower water treatment to improve and maximize chiller efficiency while reducing water and energy costs and consumption.


What's in a Veolia cooling tower treatment solution?

Every cooling tower water treatment program is unique. Water sources, including the increased usage of compromised and re-use water sources, and the relative levels of ions and microbiological populations in cooling tower waters vary widely around the world. Cooling tower operating conditions, including temperature, sizes, flows, metals of construction, and process variation, are different with every customer. Veolia has spent decades leading the industry in engineering the most robust and effective solutions for cooling tower water treatment, and our team of experienced technicians and industry experts will work with you to design a solution that fits your needs.

Our advanced, patented GenGard* cooling tower chemicals will prevent scale and corrosion, that typically limit production, even under the most challenging conditions and will never lose effectiveness when used with certain biocide chemistries like competing technologies.

Spectrus Biocides and Biodispersants complement GenGard to ensure microbiological growth, production-limiting biofilm, and legionella are controlled, ensuring your system is compliant with all regional regulations.

What this means for you

  • System efficiency: Improved heat transfer efficiency in critical operating equipment
  • Environmental profile: Optimized/reduced water usage and reduced treatment costs and blowdown/discharge volume
  • Operating costs: Reduced power consumption, maintenance requirements and outages/turnarounds. Extended run-lengths

Products & Services

How it Works

How does Veolia’s Cooling Tower Water Treatment work?

Scale and Deposit Control

The only, entirely new, patented polymer to be introduced by a cooling tower water treatment company in the last 20 years is Veolia’s Stress Tolerant Polymer (STP). Combined with Veolia’s non-phosphate, Alkaline Enhanced Chemistry (AEC), these molecules form the cornerstone in GenGard* cooling water chemicals. STP outperforms common and competitive copolymers, terpolymers and quad-polymers in every benchmark for cooling water. Designed for traditional phosphate and reduced phosphate programs, STP will inhibit common deposits, disperse solids and precipitated materials, and form the smallest particle sizes of any cooling water polymer, ultimately maintaining cleaner, more efficient heat transfer surfaces and keeping more money in your pocket.

Corrosion Control

Veolia has consistently been the leader in developing and delivering effective corrosion control chemistries. Veolia offers multiple patented materials and approaches for corrosion control. Halogen Resistant Azole (HRA) for copper corrosion control, Low-Phosphate and Non-Phosphate approaches for mild steel corrosion control, and specialized chemistries for manganese, iron, and microbiologically induced corrosion can all be tailored to your specific needs.

Microbiological and Biofilm Control

Spectrus biocides and biodispersants control the growth of biological organisms in your system that typically rob your system of efficiency and increase health risks. Continuing the trend of leading the industry in biological control, Veolia offers a new, patented approach with our Targeted Delivery biocides. Spectrus TD biocides are encapsulated biocides that only open and release biocidal material upon contact with biological material. This delivers a massive dose of biocide on a molecular level, only right where you need it, without significantly overfeeding biocide, effectively reducing your biocide usage and handling by up to 50%, while maintaining a cleaner, more efficiency cooling tower system.


SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions is now part of Veolia!