SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions

Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) compliance

Ash pond water & groundwater treatment

Veolia delivers equipment and chemical solutions and services to treat CCR pond water, plant effluents, leachates and runoff streams.

Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) compliance

Ash pond water & groundwater treatment

Veolia delivers equipment and chemical solutions and services to treat CCR pond water, plant effluents, leachates and runoff streams.


Veolia Solutions, Experience & Services

Veolia provides water treatment solutions and services for pond dewatering and related treatment projects in the form of permanent, temporary, and in-situ treatment solutions utilizing our advanced treatment technology, large mobile equipment fleet, and chemical services. In addition, our experienced engineering and field teams tailor our solutions to individual project needs to reduce cost and optimize schedule throughout the life of a project.

TSS, Metals, Trace Contaminant & TDS Removal

Veolia’s in-house and field engineering teams tackle treatment challenges with an innovative and flexible approach to meet changing conditions including variable flow and influent concentrations. Veolia’s project teams are ready to tackle any challenge head-on from straightforward TSS removal to more involved applications requiring TSS, metals or TDS removal from runoff, plant wastes, or pond dewatering streams. 

Equipment Solutions

Veolia provides equipment solutions for short-term and long-term projects that our chemical products and services to deliver holistic solutions

  • Short-term mobile solutions – mobile treatment services utilizing our extensive fleet of ballasted clarification, media filtration, membrane ultrafiltration, Ion Exchange, and RO trailers and skids.
  • Long-term relocatable solutions – Veolia provides custom treatment solutions utilizing our standard equipment packages including ballasted clarification, membrane ultrafiltration, and reverse osmosis to meet any treatment challenge.


Veolia provides customized services to fit the needs of each project

  • Full operations and maintenance services for mobile or permanent equipment solutions
  • Chemical program design and execution for in-situ solutions
  • National Service Centers in Norfolk Virginia and Atlanta Georgia with additional regional centers
  • Laboratory and on-site testing services to develop, evaluate, validate and optimize solutions


TSS Removal (UF)

Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and metals removal

TSS graphic

CCR Media UFMedia filtration and UF membrane filtration skids and trailers for SS and metals polishing. Media filtration trailers and skids as well as UF membrane trailers are available in our mobile services fleet.







TDS Removal (RO)

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) removal 


TDS graphic

CCR MobileDensadeg XRC Ballasted Clarifier is available in pre-designed packaged designs with up to 3500 gpm capacity per unit, and in a mobile platform with a capacity with up to 1500 gpm per unit. It is targeted for applications requiring suspended solids and metals removal.





In-Situ Chemical

In-Situ Chemical Solutions

Veolia provides chemical programs integrated into equipment solutions and as independent in-situ programs

  • Customized chemical programs utilizing our portfolio of MetClear* heavy metals precipitants, Klaraid* coagulant, PolyFloc* and Novus* flocculant used to achieve the treatment required in ponds, channels and other existing infrastructure without the need for equipment.
Fact Sheets

Products & Services


SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions is now part of Veolia!