SUEZ has honored Penn State University’s hydronics team and Central Chilled Water Team with a ‘Proof-Not-Promises’ Award for a project that reduced operating costs while optimizing cooling water processes. The University, in partnership with SUEZ, conducted a year-long evaluation of water quality in its cooling towers to determine optimal operating parameters. The resulting improvements reduced water consumption by at least 4.5 million gallons per year and reduced chemical usage by 15 percent while preserving important capital equipment.
“For years Penn State has been on the forefront of water conservation and reuse. This project is the latest example showing organizations can continue to make meaningful improvements toward achieving sustainable water use,” said Pete Macios, Executive Product Manager of Water Services and Industrial Process for SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions. “Penn State’s team should be extremely proud of its results.”
Historically, the well water that the University was treating for drinking water and in chillers providing climate control in university buildings, had been classified as hard water with variable mineral content. Therefore, in March of 2017, when the University completed construction of a new water treatment plant to treat the well water for use across the entire campus, they understood the new water source could have the same variables. Because the quality and variability of the new water was unknown, Penn State’s team embarked on a study to determine if the treated water from the new plant would vary, and how that variation could be managed to extend the lifespan of capital equipment.
Using data from SUEZ’s analytical laboratory, as well as online monitoring through the SUEZ InSight* asset performance management system, the teams were able to monitor makeup water quality over the course of a full year and determine new operating setpoints for the towers.
The results were significant. Overall tower cycles were increased from 2.75 to 3.25, resulting in a 15 percent reduction in water usage, which saved approximately 4.5 million gallons of water and $60,000 annually at the main chiller plants alone; and a 15 percent reduction in chemical usage, saving $70,000 campus-wide.
“With this project, we’ve improved our understanding of makeup water cause and effects,” said Rob Cooper, Senior Director of Energy & Engineering for Pennsylvania State University. “Ultimately, that means better system reliability, better water conservation, and a decreased load on campus wastewater facilities. It’s a home run.”
The ‘Proof-not-Promises’ Award recognizes customers for making significant improvements in industrial operational performance. SUEZ works with customers to design and meet strategic business goals that result in proof, not promises. The award is evaluated in a three-tier selection process that examines the goals of a project, and its operational and financial benefits.