SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions

Styrene Polymerization & Corrosion Control

Reduce polymerization and corrosion

Styrene is one of the most important monomers produced by the chemical industry today - a competitive landscape in which polymerization and corrosion cuts into monomer production yield and profitability. So, having the right treatment program is crucial in order to minimize polymerization and corrosion in your styrene unit.

Veolia's line of polymerization and corrosion inhibitor chemicals are specifically designed for this industry, helping to improve polymerization and corrosion control and ensure your plant operates at full capacity. 

Featured Products

OpTyrex* Polymerization Inhibitor 

OpTyrex is a patented polymerization inhibitor combination program dedicated for the distillation section of the styrene unit that is customized for every customer's specific process as a way of optimizing operating conditions to achieve:

  • Better control of polymerization
  • Longer sustainable run length
  • Reduction in retarder consumption
  • Better control of the polydivinyl benzene formation in the styrene monomer tower
  • lower overall cost
  • Elimination of NOx generation 

The OpTyrex chemical treatment program utilizes proven SUEZ technology to deliver lower overall operating cost and optimal performance. Additionally, OpTyrex provides flexible treatment options to satisfy the specific plant design and operating requirements.


Styrex* Polymerization and Corrosion Inhibitor

SUEZ's patented Styrex programs prevent fouling and corrosion driven maintenance and operating expenses and throughput limitations. Whether at the dehydrocondensors, vent gas compressor, distillation columns OVHD, condensers, SUEZ can work with you to solve your process problems.

Features & Benefits

Achieving Value for your Business

Our deep technical and industry expertise, coupled with technologies specifically designed for styrene units, can address the following throughout your operation:

  • Reduce Operating Costs and Unplanned Capex - Minimize power consumption, maintenance requirements, outages, turnaround time, and maximize onstream factor. 
  • Improve Production - Improve production and cost effectiveness, while minimizing polymerization and corrosion rates.
  • Increase Asset Reliability and Protection - Minimize fouling and corrosion of major components of the operation to avoid unscheduled shut downs.
  • Extend Run Length - Minimize operation challenges primarily through fouling and corrosion control.
  • Increase System Efficiency - Improve heat transfer efficiency and separation efficiencies in critical operating equipment.
  • Achieve Environmental Compliance - Reduce environmental footprint, treatment costs and blowdown/discharge volume while meeting environmental regulations.
  • Improve Safety Strong focus on people, process and product safety, including lower toxicity chemistries. 




SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions is now part of Veolia!