SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions

Non-Oxidizing Biological Control Chemicals

Reduce bacterial growth and slime with advanced non-oxidizing biocides

Reverse osmosis (RO) systems are favorable environments for microorganisms to thrive. Veolia's BioMate* products are non-oxidizing biocides that are highly effective in reducing bacterial growth and the build-up of slime on a variety of membrane types.

BioMate membrane biological control (MBC) products are EPA registered non-oxidizing biocide for sanitizing RO and ultrafiltration (UF) systems and membranes. Most effective as bactericides, they will also control fungi and algae when used at higher dosages. A treatment program using products from both BioMate and Kleen* will result in more effective membrane cleaning and decreased cleaning frequency.

Featured Product

BioMate* Biocides for Membrane Systems

BioMate membrane biological control (MBC) products are EPA registered non-oxidizing biocides for sanitizing RO, ultrafiltration (UF) systems and other membranes. Most effective as bactericides, BioMate can also control fungi and algae when used at higher dosages.

A treatment program using products from both BioMate and Kleen* will result in more effective membrane cleaning and decreases cleaning frequency.  

BioMate Non-Oxidizing Biological Control Features & Benefits 

  • Reduces unscheduled downtime and operating costs 
  • Increases efficiency and reliability of production and supply 
  • Maximizes water recovery at high permeate quality 
  • Extends membrane life and compatible with most membranes 
  • Effective sanitation of RO and other membrane water treatment systems

Oxidizing/Non-Oxidizing Biocides

What is the difference between Oxidizing and Non-Oxidizing Biocide?

A RO unit's reliability is an important consideration for anyone dependent on its smooth operation. Treatment chemicals like biocides for water treatment can be an imperative part of a comprehensive maintenance program to improve reliability and reduce operating costs. SUEZ combines its complete chemical treatment offering, engineering tools, laboratory capabilities, and technical expertise to improve membrane separation processes and help achieve optimized membrane element asset performance and results. Microbiological growth requests treatment by either oxidizing biocides or non-oxidizing biocides. 

The function of oxidizing biocides is to “burn” reduced compounds like proteins, lipids, or fatty acids. The burning of the compound damages the cell membrane and essential cell machinery. Common oxidizing biocides include chlorine gas, sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, and bromine. 

The function of non-oxidizing biocides, like the BioMate MBC products, is to help with slime penetration, high efficiency film fill, intermittent feed, and process contamination. These non-oxidizing biocides are based on either isothiazoline or DBNPA (2,2-Dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide) chemistries. All products are approved for compatibility with standard RO membranes with decomposition processes yielding benign by-products.

Biogrowth Control

Biogrowth Control Program

Biofouling is one of the costliest problems facing the water treatment industry. The colonization of naturally occurring microorganisms on membrane surfaces shortens membrane element life and inflates operating costs. Combating and eliminating biofouling is essential for optimal membrane performance.  

The Biogrowth Control Program can assist in controlling microbiological activity in a few simple steps: 

  • Conduct microbiological tests and normalize RO performance data  
  • Clean with Kleen MCT membrane cleaners  
  • Sanitize pipework and pretreatment equipment with biocides
  • Set up continuous, optimal injection of BioMate biocide dosage and monitor bacteria levels and system performance  
  • Record and normalize operating data.  

The Biogrowth Control Program is highly effective in reducing microorganism growth and slime build-up, resulting in a significant increase in RO system performance.

For more information on Non-Oxidizing Biological Control Chemicals please contact the experts at Veolia today.


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