SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions


Designed to optimize mass transfer, biomass density and contaminant removal

METEOR IFAS/MBBR technology is based on proprietary polyethylene biofilm carriers, which, when added to a treatment basin, provide a large internal surface area for the growth of microorganisms.


METEOR IFAS & MBBR Technologies

The METEOR IFAS/MBBR technology offers flexible solutions to a multitude of biological process upgrade applications such as nitrogen removal, treatment capacity increase and wastewater reuse.

Carrier size, geometry and specific internal surface area are critical features. Our unique carriers have been designed with optimal performance in mind.

The upgrade to IFAS or MBBR often consists of simply adding carriers and screens to existing basins and can therefore be completed in a cost-effective and timely manner without major civil engineering requirements and no requirement for additional land. PLC based control system optimize IFAS/MBBR process performance by minimizing energy and chemical costs.


How it Works

How IFAS and MBBR Works

IFAS, the integrated fixed film activated sludge (METEOR) process incorporates the positive traits of two fundamental biological treatment processes, namely fixed-film technology and suspended growth technology (conventional activated sludge), together into one hybrid system.





By combining high biomass quantities typical of IFAS fixed-film technologies with fluidization typical of a conventional activated sludge (CAS), the METEOR® technology achieves high removal rates in a small volume.


Conventional activated sludge bioreactors are generally retrofitted with the addition of IFAS carrier retaining screens and modifications to the aeration grid to accommodate the addition of the IFAS biofilm carriers. The media facilitates the growth of attached biomass and due to its size, is fluidized throughout the bioreactor.

In MBBR systems all the biomass is supported on the biofilm carrier with no recycled activated sludge.

Features & Applications

HYBACS features

Main Features

  • IFAS/MBBR systems were designed to optimize mass transfer, biomass density and contaminant removal rates through intensive research.
  • The combination of large aperture area, high specific biomass and UV resistance makes Meteor® well suited for IFAS/MBBR applications.
  • A 22 mm diameter carrier offers the ability to utilize a larger screen mesh size, thereby minimizing headloss across the screen and the tendency to foul.
  • Highly resilient process for flow and contaminant loading variations.


The METEOR process can be used for a wide range of biological treatment applications:

  • Increased flow capacity
  • BOD Removal Enhancement
  • Nitrification for Ammonia Removal
  • Total Nitrogen Removal
  • Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal


SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions is now part of Veolia!