SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions

What’s next for addressing PFAS regulations and treatment?

For environmental managers at industrial sites, or utility operators whose job it is to protect our water supplies, PFAS regulations have become one of the biggest topics in water treatment today.

John Peichel
| September 13, 2021 |
Water Reuse
Water Treatment

Because of its major health implications, the Biden Administration has proposed new regulations that would require authorities to monitor and report the presence of PFAS. Some states, including California, Michigan, Minnesota, and New York, have gone farther and have set maximum contaminant levels for certain PFAS compounds in drinking water.

One impediment to designing a PFAS water treatment plan is that nobody really knows where future regulations of PFAS will end up. A site manager could develop a PFAS plan in accordance with local regulations only to see federal regulations impose more stringent requirements.

However, while the regulatory landscape is evolving, the good news is that there are multiple existing technologies that can treat for PFAS today while planning for the future.

In the video below, John Peichel, Global Market Development Lead at Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions, shares suggestions on how municipal water authorities and industrial site managers can develop an effective PFAS water treatment plan in the midst of regulatory uncertainty.

Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions has developed and introduced a range of removal and remediation technologies to address contamination in each of the industrial, military, and municipal applications encountered across the world. Our range of technologies is unmatched in breadth and capability and has the ability to be tailored to specific situations, at the lowest possible capital and operating expenditure. For more information on PFAS contamination treatment strategies and the technologies available, read our latest whitepaper or contact a Veolia expert to discuss specific solutions to your PFAS challenges

About the Author

John Peichel

global market developer

John Peichel is a Global Market Developer for Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions, the industrial water treatment division of the global Veolia Group. With over 30 years of experience in industrial water treatment, specializing in RO/NF membranes and related technologies, John has experience in Applications, Engineering, Product Management and R&D. Recently, he has focused on the development of PFAS treatment solutions using both established and emerging technologies.


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