SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions

Ultrapure Water Treatment & Monitoring Applications & Technologies

The applications that demand ultrapure water (UPW) are unforgiving, which means consistency is key and also a big challenge for process water containing varying amounts of soluble and non-soluble contaminants. Veolia’s comprehensive treatment backed by the confidence of our industry-leading water quality monitoring will deliver UPW that fits your specific needs, day after day.

Ultrapure Water Treatment & Monitoring Applications & Technologies

The applications that demand ultrapure water (UPW) are unforgiving, which means consistency is key and also a big challenge for process water containing varying amounts of soluble and non-soluble contaminants. Veolia’s comprehensive treatment backed by the confidence of our industry-leading water quality monitoring will deliver UPW that fits your specific needs, day after day.


Consistent production & reliable monitoring, a match made in heaven

Protect product quality, generate substantial savings, and improve environmental compliance. Our broad offering of equipment, filters, membranes, chemicals, and services comprise complete UPW systems that serve a range of water sources. Confidence in consistency is achieved with analytical instruments that drill down to low parts-per-billion (ppb) concentrations on a wide range of total organic carbons (TOCs). 

With these solutions and our commitment to understanding your needs and economic/environmental challenges, Veolia can develop a custom UPW solution that:

  • Delivers large amounts of consistent UPW with expedited analysis and real-time monitoring
  • Uses resources efficiently and seamlessly integrates into existing systems
  • Reduces operating, maintenance, and overhead costs
  • Ensures regulatory compliance and streamlines chemical and fluid management
  • Monitors low levels of TOC and Boron to ensure optimal product outcome 

Products & Services

Products and services for ultrapure water applications

Pleated Water Filter

Increase product safety and purity with longer-lasting, high-purity Veolia filters


SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions is now part of Veolia!